Parent Hub

Regular reports and updates.

Parent Hub

Regular reports and updates.

Parent communication

Little Feet Nursery encourages and cultivates partnerships between parents and children.

You as parents know your children better than anyone else and it is important that we communicate regularly to ensure continuity of care, making sure your little one is as happy and content as they can be, whilst in our care.

we communicate regularly app on phone


Tapestry is an online learning journal which allows us to share with you a record of all of the learning and fun that your child gets up to whilst they’re at nursery. The online journal is a two-way platform meaning that parents can also add observations and comments about their child’s progress, interests, personal needs and much more. We send you a link when your child has finished their time with us, and you will receive a full journal from your child’s first steps here, to their last! We use Tapestry to inform you of your child’s nappy changes, lunches and activities during the day, so that at our handover at the end of the day, you can have lovely chat with the team about your child’s day! We also use our website, emails, Instagram and Facebook to communicate with you about dates for the diary, fun things we have been up to, as well as important dates for the diary.

we communicate regularly father helping daughter

Stay and Play Sessions

Stay and Play sessions are a standout offer at Little Feet Nursery and are a true demonstration of how committed and invested are staff are in truly getting to know you and your family. We hold these sessions annually on a weekend, to ensure as many of you will be able to attend as possible. The Stay and Plays provide a wonderful opportunity for parents to chat with our staff, discuss all things nursery, form links with other parents, all whilst engaging in some fun and child-friendly activties!

we communicate regularly child and mother

Parents Meetings and Statutory Assessments

We hold an annual parents’ information session, whereby you can choose between an in person appointment or a phone call. Your child’s key worker will spend time with you discussing your child’s progress at nursery, their next steps and areas of development. This is also a perfect time for you to ask any questions you have about your child’s development- this can be anything from potty training, to behaviour to those all important milestones!

Additional to a comprehensive handover at the end of the day, you are welcome at any point to make an appointment to speak to your child’s key worker, SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), ECAT (Every Child a Talker) or ECAM (Every Child A Mover) lead, to discuss your child’s progress.

In line with the EYFS, we conduct a statutory 2 year check for every child that turns two under our care. This involves a discussion about each of the Prime Areas (Physical Development; Communication and Language; Personal, Social and Emotional Development). This will be shared with you via tapestry, to allow you as parents to add your opinions.


Complaints Handling

General Terms and Conditions

Sickness and Medication Policy

Calpol Policy

Safeguarding Policy inc Online Safety Policy 2024

"We’ve always been very happy with the positive, caring and nurturing environment you have created.”

Mr & Mrs E

“Little Feet has a warm and welcoming environment where the children are supported and loved from day one”

Parent A